Awards Nomination Forms

Vigil Nomination Form

Take a look through this document to see how our Lodge is setup and run.

Camp Staff Award Form

Application for the Camp Staff Award for serving as staff at Council Camps

Elangomat Award Form

Application for the Netopalis Elangomat Award

AIA Award

Application for the Netopalis AIA Award

James E. West Award Form

This form is to nominate a n arrowman that has been enabling scouting in the council.

Legacy Fellowship Info

This application is for James E. West Fellows to donate a $1,000 to the national OA endowment.

Founder’s Award

This form is to nominate an arrowman that embodies the spirit of our founders.

Onward Arrowman Award

This form is to receive an award that shows your activeness in the lodge and the order.